This is how Washington celebrates Spike Days!
Get your Passport to Spike days from one of the Libation Locations of Washington:
The Washington Winery
Liberty Pole Spirits
Red Pump Spirits
During Pike Days (Friday 5/19 and Saturday 5/20), visit all 3 locations and have your passport stamped. While you are the locations, enjoy a tasty libation! After you have all 3 stamps, receive a souvenir rocks glass (it’s free!).
On Saturday, each location will feature guest bartenders. At The Winery, we welcome Rep. Brandon P. Neuman at 2pm, and Marc Scott at 3pm. Order up a drink from these great guys, and leave them a nice tip…because all tips from Saturday will be donated to the Olivia Scott Foundation.
Must be 21+ to enjoy libations. Cheers!