For this year’s spring wine season, A&M is now offering Chilean Juice and Grapes! It’s time to order your Reserve & Ultra Reserve Wine Juice Buckets and Wine Grapes.
Reserve Juice & Grapes are sourced from Maipo and Colchagua Valley. Our new supplier also offers a higher quality of juice and grapes: Ultra Reserve. The Ultra Reserve items are sourced from a single vineyard, including Apalta, Alto Maipo, Aconcagua and Leyda.
Here’s a message from the Chilean growers: This is an atypical season. Higher temperatures than normal during December and January have resulted in an earlier and homogeneous season. The grape size is smaller than normal. Sugars are advanced per normal seasons. With this smaller harvest and almost no rain during the growing season, we can expect a superior quality juice to produce a fine wine.
Our order forms for Reserve Wine Juice, Ultra Reserve Juice, and Wine Grapes are now available. Attached to this post are the links to the order forms. Simply click on the link below. (If you are having difficulty opening the file, please call us at 724.222.WINE.)
2017 Chilean Reserve
2017 Chilean Ultra Reserve
2017 Chilean Grapes
All wine juice and wine grape orders must be paid in full on the date of your order. All orders & payments will be made directly to A&M either in our store via cash, check or credit card, or over the phone via credit card.
Orders must be placed by Saturday, 4/15/17, 6pm. We expect to receive orders the last week of April. Once notified that your order is in, your order must be picked up within 3 business days.
If you have questions or need information, please call us at 724.222.WINE or email us at Thank you.